Route 66 Map

Route 66 Map
Getting Our Kicks

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Mythique 66

Once again, I wish I had paid better attention in French class. I only took one semester, and it was during the lowest ebb in my study habits. The only things I learned were that I would never be good at spelling in French, that pronouncing plural words is supposed to stop a few letters short of the end, and that Pam Hayes-Bohanan would be the love of my life.

Actually, I did not learn that last bit until later, but it was in Dr. Stan's French 101 that we first met, and she still marvels that my attendance was sufficient to remember who she was.

Anyway, had I paid better attention to Dr. Stan and had I stuck with it for more than part of a semester (we had a generous pass/fail policy at our university, so I did get credit), then I might know what is being said in the sole entry (so far) on a blog known as route' mythique route 66. I found it only because it has the URL that I wanted for this blog, so my browser keeps "remembering" it for me by accident.

For my Francophone friends, enjoy this take on sur la route de la mère.  And perhaps someone can explain the "hb" in its URL.

Meanwhile, thanks to Google, I know that the banner refers to a Route 66 Foray -- I like the sound of that.

Banner from route' mythique 66.

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