Route 66 Map

Route 66 Map
Getting Our Kicks

Sunday, February 24, 2019

Bunking in the Bunker

The cave suite at the Grand Canyon Caverns inn boasts many superlatives -- a room that is the biggest, deepest, darkest and so on. It also has the potential to be the most expensive room we ever let, almost 2000 times the cost of the four-bit room mentioned in King of the Road. There would be space, though, for others to join us for this part of the adventure.

Sweet Reward

If When we reach the halfway point on our journey along the Mother Road, our reward will be a root beer bread pudding. It sounds painfully sweet, but Atlas Obscura says otherwise, and it never steers us wrong. This looks decadent, and will be more so when washed down with one of the 700 soft drinks on offer at Pops in Arcadia, Oklahoma.

Wardrobe: All Set!

We have been making preparations for this trip for some while, having found the perfect shirts for the journey back in 2014. Being careful not to wear them out ahead of time, we tend to reserve them for special occasions, such as visits to Westport Rivers.
Found far from Route 6, along Main Street
in Falmouth on the Cape of Cod.